Head And Neck Reconstruction 01
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Between 2004 and now, three Coleman fat graft procedures were performed to arrive at the above result. The fat was layered through tiny incisions using special tools developed by Dr. Coleman over the lower one-quarter of this young man’s face and over the lower part of the skull (mastoid).
Surgeons are hesitant to operate on body areas that have been treated with radiation because they heal poorly or not at all after a surgical procedure. Recent evidence points to the healing of radiation injury and even aging skin by fat grafting to an area. The healing most likely takes place by bringing in stem cells (or repair cells) which build new blood vessels and capillaries to the irradiated skin, muscle and bone.
The fat grafts repaired the hard, friable tissues of the lower face in this man to healthy, soft pliable skin. The fat in this situation feels like bone, muscle, subcutaneous tissue and skin.