Breast Augmentation
For some women, having breasts that are too small keeps them from feeling confident and attractive. Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure designed to increase breast size, improve breast shape, and correct breast asymmetry. Having larger breasts that create a more proportional body helps women feel more attractive and boosts their self-esteem.
Breast AugmentationWith Fat Transfer

Many women desire breast enhancement, but the unnatural results of implants don’t appeal to them.
Using Dr. Coleman’s perfected LipoStructure® technique, women can now achieve more natural breast augmentation results by using their own body fat. The added benefit is that his technique removes stubborn fat deposits from problem areas via liposuction in addition to shaping the breasts. Since 1995, Dr. Coleman has been using the LipoStructure® technique to harvest fat from the stomach, hips, and thighs and then inject the processed tissue into the breasts. This results in natural breast enhancement and can improve the shape of the breasts, lift sagging breasts, and even cover up existing artificial implants.
Longer Lasting Breast Augmentation
Breast implants often need to be replaced at some point due to a complication or the natural wear and tear of the implant. Fat transfer, on the other hand, is permanent. While some of the initial volume may be lost as the body absorbs some of the fat during healing, whatever remains after approximately four months will be permanent.
Fat From Your Own Body
There are numerous complications that can arise when using implants because they are a synthetic substance being inserted into the body. Fat transfer uses only the patient’s purified fat tissue, preventing rejection and reducing the likelihood of excess scarring.
Put Unwanted Fat to Good Use
The harvested tissue used during the augmentation is taken from common fatty problem areas. This helps slim down other areas of the body to create more pleasing body contours.
Shaping and Sculpting
Implants provide limited options for the shape of your breasts. Fat transfer allows Dr. Coleman to custom sculpt and shape the breasts during the procedure. Since Dr. Coleman carefully injects layer upon layer of fat into the breasts at different depths, he can control the ultimate look of the breast, which is beneficial for women who feel their breasts are abnormally or unequally shaped.
Minimal Incisions and Scarring
Fat transfer utilizes only small incisions at the sites of liposuction and graft placement. Any scarring that may occur is skillfully hidden in easily concealable areas and is likely to fade over time. There is little to no scarring around the breasts because the procedure uses infiltration cannulas that require only four tiny incisions. Three of those incisions are generally made under the breast (in the inframammary fold); the fourth is usually hidden at the border between the areola and breast.
Disguise Visible Implants
Women without a lot of excess breast tissue who receive breast implants may find that their implants show through their skin. Fat transfer can disguise the unnatural appearance of implants by covering them with a layer of fat.
Breast Augmentation FAQs
What is Dr. Coleman’s experience with fat transfer?
Dr. Coleman first performed breast augmentation using fat transfer in 1995. Currently, he has performed over 100 fat transfer procedures, and many patients have maintained excellent results even at 10 years down the road. No other plastic surgeon has been performing fat transfer for breast augmentation as long as Dr. Coleman.
How much larger can I make my breasts with fat transfer?
Fat transfer is ideal for patients looking for a subtle increase in breast size. Generally, it is possible for the breasts to increase one cup size per procedure. For patients who desire a larger increase, multiple procedures are necessary.
How long does the fat transfer procedure take?
Since fat transfer requires a two-step technique, the procedure takes longer than traditional augmentation. To obtain ideal long-term results, Dr. Coleman must carefully harvest the fat, preserving as much tissue as possible. Fat tissue is then centrifuged to separate unwanted fluids and oils. The processed fat is then injected into the breasts in layers to provide the greatest access to a blood supply. The procedure takes an average of somewhere between three and five hours.
What is the recovery process after fat transfer?
Recovery is generally determined by how many areas were used for donor sites. The location of donor sites and the number of donor sites determines how long and painful the recovery process will be. Sites that fat was harvested from will be swollen, bruised, and uncomfortable for at least the first week. The breasts may experience slight bruising and swelling, but in most cases there is little to no breast pain. You may feel sore for up to two weeks after your surgery. Most patients return to work a week or so after surgery. The majority of the bruising and swelling should subside after three weeks, but minor swelling may remain for up to six months after surgery.
How much is the average tissue survival rate?
Fat tissue is easily damaged, and that’s why the delicate Coleman LipoStructure® technique is used for breast augmentation. Dr. Coleman’s technique ensures that the fat is injected in a way that gives it the most access to the blood supply. Dr. Coleman’s LipoStructure® is renowned for having the highest survival rate of transplanted fat. In fact, recent studies at NYU suggest that the Coleman technique yields a survival rate of up to 85 percent.
Will fat transfer cause complications with future breast cancer detection?
It is possible that calcifications and lumps can occur after fat transfer (as it can after any breast surgery), but there is no evidence to suggest that fat transfer will cause breast cancer or prevent its detection. The American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS) has determined that fat grafting to the breast is safe and that there is no higher incidence of breast cancer among those who have had fat grafting. They do recommend, however, that the surgeon performing fat grafting to the breasts should be someone with a good deal of experience doing this procedure.
To learn more about the Coleman Technique or to schedule your consultation, please fill out the contact form below.